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Friday, June 7, 2013

Free Captcha Data Entry and Earn Money and withdraw instantly

Free Captcha entry:

Captcha Data Entry and Earn Money and withdraw instantly : Its totally free, no need to any server paid registration. really awosome, and withdraw your money intstantly very smooth.
just click and start type and earn.
for your kind information just reed the following:
Q: What kind of the payment service can I use?
A: We make all payments through Payza (Minimum to order:1$(Payza limit)


Q: Is it important to use the right case for typing?
A: You are allowed to use any case for typing, it does not matter.

Q: The captcha does not count sometimes. What is the problem could be?
A: From time to time, our handler cannot compare exactly the text you type and the captcha. We doing our best to avoid this problem.

Q: How quickly can I get my payment?
A: The payment is going to be done automatically by the Payza Payment Identification details indicated. There are 3(three) situations the payment might be delayed:
1. Your Payza account has a limit.
2. You indicated incorrect Payment Identification details.
3. At the moment, we are not replenishing our identification details for technical reasons. We usually complete the replenish within couple of days and your payment will be completed at the same time.

Q: What do I need to enter if I see an empty captcha?
A: You should enter "empty" and move to the next captcha. We are working to avoid the situation like this in future.

Q: What is your reaction if I would be typing an incorrect captcha may times?
A: We collect a full statistics of each active user every day and analyze it. If your incorrect captcha percentage % is within range of error, then we do not pay attention to this. But, if we receive incorrect answers all time, then we would take action up to delete your account from the system.

Q: I have found the software through Internet which allows work on your web site and use a multiply accounts. Can I use that program?
A: You are allowed to use only our official version . You can also continue to work on website. We do not agree with all other variants of work with us.

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